Research & Development

Research & Development (R&D)

Eiko believes that R&D is the base for all innovative research and development in terms of absorbing technologies and improvising them to ensure optimal utility of existing infrastructure. We possess a strong R&D wing managed by a team of professionally qualified & experienced professionals.
The team dedicates their knowledge and skill for managing our laboratories while working on innovative, cost effective and sustainable products. This team is constantly supported by our panel of experts who are Senior professionals.

Our R&D wing has efficient support mechanism of pilot facilities where evaluation of the product by matching with the laboratory studies, testing of shelf life and storage stability are done. Our pilot facilities play vital role in scaling up from gram to kilo and then to ton for subsequent market seeding with parameter estimation for large scale manufacturing.
All manufacturing facilities have Process Safety Laboratory for monitoring quality right from raw material to the finished product at every stage.
Our research specialists continuously thrive to develop new products and processes.